The Trail Team


Our mission is to independently support and develop rising athletes into the best professional trail runners in the world through mentorship, skill development, and media exposure. 

While the US is the leader in our development pipeline from youth through college running, very little exists to support rising professionals in trail
— Andy Wacker

The Why

“Since the mid-1990s, the popularity of trail running has grown at a rate of 15% each year, with the current estimates at 20 million trail-runners worldwide.” *

Trail athletes have become more professionalized. 

Races have become more competitive and decade old records are being broken. 

While the US is the leader in our development pipeline from youth through college running, very little exists to support rising professionals in trail. 

* World Athletics

The Team

The Trail Team (TTT) sponsors six under-supported sub-ultra runners, ages 20-30 years old, that live and train in the US. The goal is to bring in high level athletes and good people that just need a little boost. They inspire and encourage all trail runners and will set an example of what the sport can be in the future. 

TTT athletes are paving the way for future athletes to choose trail running straight out of college. These are crossover athletes that show that you can balance track, skiing and/or road running and trails.